Meet the Board

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George’s County Planning Board


The Prince George’s County Planning Board serves as citizen representatives for their communities in helping to plan, shape, and maintain livable neighborhoods and healthy lifestyles for residents and families in Prince George’s County. Together with the Montgomery County Planning Board, they comprise The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission – a bi-county agency set up under State law in 1927 to acquire, develop, maintain, and administer a regional system of parks and administer a general plan for the physical development of both counties. In Prince George’s County, the agency also administers the public recreation program.

As a quasi-judicial body, the Planning Board’s responsibilities include supervising the preparation of land use plans and comprehensive zoning maps, advising the County Council on zoning map amendment and special exception applications, and reviewing and approving site plans. The Board also oversees the Commission’s work in the County, as carried out by the Parks and Recreation and Planning Departments.

The Planning Board’s full-time Chairman and four part-time members are appointed by the Prince George’s County Executive and confirmed by the Prince George’s County Council, serving overlapping four-year terms.


In Prince George’s County, the Planning Board directs the work of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission through the Prince George’s County Planning Department and the Prince George’s County Department of Parks and Recreation. The Commission’s activities in the County are determined by the Prince George’s County Council, which annually approves the operating budget and work program, with input and comments from the County Executive.

The Planning Board meets in public session most Thursdays to consider planning, zoning, and subdivision matters for Prince George’s County. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings continue to be held virtually. All interested persons are invited to attend the meetings, voice their opinions on individual cases, or simply observe the meeting proceedings.

Specific Responsibilities

The Prince George’s County Planning Board is responsible for:

  • Advising the County Council on proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations
  • Offering recommendations to the County Council on zoning map amendment and special exception applications
  • Reviewing and approving site plans
  • Serving as the final authority in administering the Subdivision Regulations for Prince George’s County
  • Supervising the preparation of land use plans and comprehensive zoning maps for County Council approval

Rules of Procedure

Read our Rules of Procedure (PDF) specifying how public hearings are run and how to testify before the Planning Board.